3 Ways to Wow a Recruiter by Phone

If you’re looking for new job opportunities join us on January 31st for the next New Tech Job Fair! Employers you’ll meet include Nintendo, Hulu, zulily, Apptio, Avalara, Cloutera, Getty Images, and many more. You can also discover how to get more out of engaging on LinkedIn at the #InItTogether Happy Hour powered by LinkedIn. 🙂

In preparation for the job fair check out these tips for your job opportunity phone interviews:

Most people looking for jobs understand the nuances of in-person interviews, and actually prefer them. You can observe a recruiter’s body language and facial expressions to gauge how your responses to questions resonate, make small talk about the mutual surroundings, etc.

You can often do the same on interviews conducted via video conferencing. But what if you’re faced with a phone interview, where no visual aids will be present? Not to worry – here are three ways you can make a striking impression on a recruiter, despite using a phone line.

1. Dress for the interview. Just because you’re on the phone doesn’t mean you can let your guard down…and dressing to impress will send a signal to your brain that it’s time to be on your toes. If you’re taking the call at home, you don’t necessarily need to don formal office attire, but leave the pajamas in the bedroom. Wear what you’d select for your first day on the job.

2. Flash a big smile. First impressions are everything. Smile at the beginning of the interview and smile, when appropriate, throughout the conversation. Since the recruiter can’t see you, he or she will be looking for clues about your demeanor – and a smile can literally be heard in your voice and felt over the phone. A smile will also help you relax, enjoy the conversation and ask the big questions. Remember, while it’s true that the recruiter is evaluating you for an open position, you’re also determining whether or not this is an employer you’d enjoy working with.

3. Plan ahead. You know you should do a little research on the company before your interview. But did you think about creating a personal cheat sheet? Since you’re on the phone, you can have notes in front of you. Write down potential interview questions and your answers. Some of the most common interview questions are:

– Tell me a little about yourself.

– What are your biggest weaknesses? Strengths?

– What’s your five year goal?

– Why should we hire you?

You don’t want to read your answers to the recruiter, but knowing exactly what you want to say will help you cover all the bases.

These suggestions are just a way to jumpstart the thinking process ahead of that important interview. What’s your best piece of advice for how to wow a recruiter by phone?

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