With the novel coronavirus COVID-19 virus continuing to spread we’re doing our best to keep up on how your New Tech Northwest community can stay healthy and safe. Please use and share the resources below with your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Be well and be kind.
* For a comprehensive and up-to-date picture of COVID-19 transmission across Washington State, see the WA State COVID-19 Risk Assessment and WADoH COVID-19 data dashboards.
General COVID-19 Guidelines
- Stay home
- Wear a mask and practice social distancing of at least 6 feet when you have to be in public
- If you exhibit flu-like symptoms, such as respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties, please err on the side of caution and self-quarantine, and have your household members self-quarantine, at home for 14 days (or until you are cleared by a healthcare provider)
- If you have a tickle in your throat, or to boost your daily immunity, gargle with apple cider vinegar
- Drink a shot of apple cider vinegar straight or in water, and take at least 5,000 IU (international units) of vitamin D, daily to boost your immunity and lower inflammation in your body
- Frequently and thoroughly clean your hands for 20 seconds with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water
- Clean and disinfect frequently used objects and surfaces
- When coughing and sneezing cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Avoid close contact (maintain at least 6 feet of distance) with anyone who has a fever, sneezing or cough
- If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority
Health, Safety and Business Financial Support Resources:
5 Ways Diversity and Inclusion Help Companies Before, During, and After the Pandemic
Bellevue Chamber is matching people (and nonprofits) needing help with people (and nonprofits and businesses!) with something to offer. Learn more and offer help or ask for help here.
Bloodworks Northwest – The COVID-19 outbreak is impacting the PNW blood supply. Anyone who is healthy is encouraged to donate blood or host a blood drive! Appointment and information at Bloodworksnw.org 800-398-7888 or text bloodapp to 91985 to receive a link on your phone.
Body Politic – started the COVID-19 support group after Founder and EIC Fiona Lowenstein, and Creative Director Sabrina Bleich became sick with coronavirus in early March. After falling ill, we quickly realized that there was not enough online content or resources dedicated to people struggling with coronavirus. As we scrolled through Instagram feeds filled with tips on navigating boredom during quarantine, or how not to catch the virus, we felt increasingly isolated, misunderstood, and ignored. With news of infection rates rising, we knew a community of people like ourselves existed, and was growing – we just needed a way to reach each other.
Business Resiliency Toolkit (Washington Small Business Development Center)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CompTIA Covid-19 Resources Forum for technology companies and professionals
COVID-19 Online Resource Center for Women-Owned Businesses
COVID-19 Resources for the Assistive Technology Community
COVID-19 Resources for the Disability Community
COVID-19 testing site locations in Washington
FAQs, fact sheets, and live updates (Public Health–Seattle & King County)
Financial Assistance – If you’re a company who has five or less employees, you could be eligible for a $10K grant from the City of Seattle.
Financial, export, insurance and workforce assistance for directly-impacted businesses (Governor’s Office)
Geekwire Coronavirus Live Updates: The latest COVID-19 developments in Seattle and the world of tech
Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Interactive Dashboard – with real-time information on reported cases
King County & Seattle Public Health
Ladies Who Launch COVID-19 Guide for Women Entrepreneurs
Mental health resources for young people
National Center for Transgender Equality’s Coronavirus Guide for the trans people and their families
“Planning for a Coronavirus Pandemic: Specific Instructions to Employers” (Public Health–Seattle & King County)
Small Business Administration applications for Economic Injury Disaster Loans to small businesses heavily affected by the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. These low-interest loans provide working capital to help businesses maintain operations and retain their workforces. The full statement can be found on the SBA website, and they’re also providing additional guidance and resources for employers. These loans can be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. More details can be found here.
Sea.citi Seattle Tech COVID-19 Response – information and resources to help tech workers stay informed and ensure social distancing strategies don’t completely upend community connections.
Seattle Times daily live updates. You can find these on seattletimes.com each morning with need-to-know breaking news and information updated throughout the day.
Seattle Times visual guide outlining facts about COVID-19 and precautions on how to stay healthy.
Seattle Times complete reporting on this topic, with the latest coverage at the top.
Survivor Corps – is one of the largest and fastest growing grassroots movements connecting, supporting, educating, motivating and mobilizing COVID-19 survivors to support all Medical, Scientific and Academic research, to help stem the tide of this pandemic and assist in the national recovery.
Techstars COVID-19 Resource Guide – many in our network have been through tough times before and will help you navigate through this one. That’s why we compiled — and will continue to update — the latest resources and advice to help support you through this time. You can find it all on this page.
Washington SBDC is holding free webinars every few days on small business resiliency and the SBA loan process. Click here to find additional resources from the SBDC.
Washington State Department of Health – has set up a call center to answer questions. Anyone who has questions about what is happening with coronavirus in Washington State, how it is spread, and what to do if you have symptoms should call the hotline at 1 (800) 525-0127 and press #.
Washington State Shared Work Program
Washington State Standby Program
Washington State Partial Unemployment Program
Local Resources for Victims of Violent Crime including domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, mental illness and substance abuse
Numerous news and social media outlets have recently been reporting a stark rise in Domestic Violence incidents, also known as “Intimate Terrorism”, an unfortunate consequence of the Shelter in Place quarantines mandated by governments around the world to slow the deadly spread of COVID-19. Restricted movement may be causing violence in homes to become more common and severe.
Your safety is important, and violence in any form is unacceptable. Please know help is available for you. If you believe you are at risk, we encourage you to utilize the local support services listed below:
King County Domestic Violence Help
Kitsap County Domestic Violence Help
Pierce County Domestic Violence Unit
Seattle City Government Crime Victim Assistance
Skaggit Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services
Snohomish County Domestic Violence Services
Whatcom County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services (DVSAS), 360-715-1563; Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, call the DVSAS 24-hour helpline at 1−877-715-1563.
Thank you to our friends at the Seattle Times for compiling these helpful resources:
General information
- How Gov. Jay Inslee’s order defines “essential” businesses and workers in the coronavirus era
- Official Washington state COVID-19 response page
- IRS questions and answers on extensions for filing taxes and making tax payments
Help for businesses
- Small Business Stabilization Fund grants of up to $10,000 from the city of Seattle
- COVID-19 emergency small business loans of up to $2 million from the U.S. Small Business Administration
- $5 million in emergency grants to small businesses located near Amazon’s Seattle and Bellevue offices
- Guidance on preparing workplaces for COVID-19
Help for employees
- Paid family and medical leave
- State Employment Security Department chart of worker eligibility for benefits during COVID-19 crisis
- Safety advice for non-unionized workers
Help for those who have lost jobs
- State unemployment benefits
- Washington Connection benefit portal video on applying for food, child care, cash, long-term care and health care for individuals with disabilities
- Orca Lift subsidized public transit for reduced- and lower-income earners
- Crisis Connections support center for food, social services or emergency assistance
- City of Seattle emergency food programs
- Free meals for children and teens impacted by school closures through United Way
- COVID-19 rental assistance fund
- Resource page for renters facing evictions and other tenant issues
- Information on easing mortgage payments
Articles & Podcasts
9 charts that explain the coronavirus pandemic
A Guide to COVID-19 and Your Finances: What You Need to Know
Applications for working remotely and collaborating
City of Seattle unveils online map to highlight takeout and delivery food options
Commonsense Guide to Coronavirus for Event and Conference Planners
Corona Virus Timeline and Facts Infographic
Employee tips for working from home
Fact check: Debunking 10 myths about the coronavirus that causes COVID-19
How to support employee mental health through coronavirus [podcast] – James Pratt interviews the Head of Global Employee Wellness from Twitter and the Head of Clinical Care from Modern Health
One Huge Mistake Leaders Make in Preparing for the Coronavirus Pandemic
Resources for child care and at-home learning for kids to teens as we wait out coronavirus closures
WFH… Now what? 5 tips to ensure your remote work success (and dozens of links )
Which food-related industries can stay open under Gov. Jay Inslee’s ‘stay-at-home’ order?
Working from home in the age of COVID-19: 3 benefits of remote work
Working from home in the age of COVID-19: 3 tips for supporting your teams