Please join us to learn more and meet new friends interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Christy Johnson will facilitate the monthly meeting (occurs the 4th Thursday of every month at 10:30am). The event is open to anyone wanting to make real change happen. If you have friends or colleagues who are interested, please share the link!
- Innovation leaders
- VPs
- Directors
- Individual contributors
- DEI leaders
- Founders
- ERG organizers, and
- Employees from startups and enterprise companies sharing their challenges, successes, tips, experiences and advice for creating more inclusive workplaces.
We believe the PNW is:
A region where women and underrepresented minorities are able to pursue opportunities to participate productively in ways that are meaningful for them and that contribute to our local economy and society, and where employers and community organizations have a multitude of ways to create and improve real opportunities for those wanting opportunity and facing bias.
As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Please click here if you would like to be part of the New Tech DEI newsletter.