New Tech Founder Spotlight: Bradford Rand, CEO and Founder of The Cyber Security Summit

Each week in the New Tech Newsletter we feature a Spotlight Q&A with founders, angels, New Tech alumni presenters, and other people or companies in our community we believe you’d like to learn about. This week we spoke with Bradford Rand, the CEO and Founder of The Cyber Security Summit!


When & why did you start the Cyber Security Summit?

Our company, TECHEXPO,, has been producing job fairs for the Defense & Intelligence Industry since the events of 9/11, so for many years, we have created many types of events, especially with technology companies. With the rise of cybercrime over the last decade, I discovered there was a need for an executive, one-day-only conference that educates its audience on the latest security threats. At the time, there were only a few oversized multi-day cyber trade shows, requiring 4 or 5 days of travel out of the office.

With that said, I came up with the idea to have a one-day-only conference for business leadership, filled with a tremendous amount of information and thought leaders that could be replicated in numerous cities around the country; basically bringing the cyber event to the “busy executive”. Thus, we solved the problem of a busy security executive, whose company is probably getting breached every hour! With the Cyber Security Summit, there’s no more having to travel out of the office for many days, leaving the family, and spending days walking a large tradeshow floor. Further, we decided to make the atmosphere more intimate, instead of a chaotic tradeshow environment, by serving a catered breakfast, sit-down lunch, and cocktail reception creating the most time/cost-effective experience.

What is the purpose of the Cyber Security Finance & Banking Summit?

 The purpose of this conference is to educate business leaders and security professionals on the latest threats facing the financial and banking industries. There will be some discussions from cutting-edge solution providers on the latest tools that are available to protect their companies from getting hacked and victimized by cybercriminals. Many of the experts speaking are from within the financial sector, so their experience is priceless.

What is an attendee supposed to gain from this?

An attendee should gain foresight on the upcoming and present security threats that may come their way.  They will also have the ability to network with fellow cyber professionals in the social lounge. Additionally, those attendees who stay for the entire day of this virtual summit will also earn up to 8 CPE Credits. 

Who are you? Tell me a fun fact about yourself

 I am Bradford Rand, a serial entrepreneur who has produced nearly 3,000 events, including Job Fairs, Executive Conferences, Charity Fundraisers & more. I love tennis and traveling and once or twice a year sing in a classic rock tribute band to the music of The Doors!

 Reach out if you’d like to recommend a startup, founder, angel, accelerator, or New Tech alumni presenter for us to spotlight for the PNW tech community!

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