We are hosting our second in-person engineering challenge hackathon! This is the first time we have a coding challenge sponsor: CavnessHR. We have created a unique challenge with their codebase, and during this hackathon, we will dive deep into their codebase and solve a couple of challenges simultaneously. The challenges get automatically evaluated, and we have an ongoing ranking to see how competitors are doing. As always, this is a stress-free hackathon, just for fun. Come to compete, learn something new, meet other hackers, or just come for the pizza.
RSVP: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=5OyIgGrIvkGlwf8iCIgc7lK6zsWzxbdLlL-St9M_AJ9URDNGRUJUU1QxRlRTQTRBQ1dKMzBCWlJRUiQlQCN0PWcu