ADHD Strategies for Tech Founders and Investors: Understanding and Leveraging Neurodivergent Team Members for Maximum Success

August 1, 2024 2:30 pm PDT
Join us to discover how to support your team members with ADD / ADHD or other neurodivergent conditions to increase your company productivity, profits, job satisfaction, team communication, employee retention, and more!

About This Event

Discover How to Grow Better & Faster
by Supporting Your Neurodivergent Team Members at Seattle Tech Week!

One in Three Adults are Neurodivergent (85% are undiagnosed)
with Higher Percentages in the Tech Industry

How well do you understand and support your team members with ADD / ADHD?

1 in every 3 to 5 adults are neurodivergent (having ADHD, ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, dyslexia, etc.), 1 in 20 have ADHD, and 85% of us are undiagnosed.

​In the tech and gaming industries those numbers are higher, especially in certain roles like engineering, sales, marketing, and the C-Suite.

The bad news is that most companies aren’t great at supporting employees with ADHD.

The good news is that once you understand how ADD and ADHD brains work, and learn some strategies of support, you can create new helpful systems quickly.

Join us and invite founders, investors, and leaders you know to discover how to support team members with ADD / ADHD or other neurodivergent conditions to increase your company productivity, profits, job satisfaction, team communication, employee retention, and more!

Why You Should Attend

While tech companies attract a much higher number of neurodivergent leaders and team members with ADD (Inattentive ADHD) and ADHD than other industries, most startups struggle with identifying, understanding, supporting, and managing their neurodivergent team members.

Your company is probably paying unnecessary costs, losing great employees, and losing efficiencies by not understanding how neurodivergent team members think and work.

Treating your team members with ADD / ADHD brains as if they should work in the same ways as your neurotypical team members causes productivity challenges, chronic anxiety, miscommunications, skewed expectations, and loss of valuable people. It doesn’t have to be this way.

This is a common problem because we haven’t been educated to understand how neurotypical brains and neurodivergent brains have different operating systems like Apple iOS and Android OS.

You wouldn’t expect an Android phone to be able to do certain things that only exist in an Apple iOS operating system because you understand that while they both work on phones, they operate in different ways.

Similarly, it’s a false assumption to expect people with neurodivergent brains to be able to do neurotypical tasks well because neurotypical systems are considered to be the ‘normal’ way that ‘everyone’ does something.

The Agenda
2:15 pm –Registration and networking with light appetizers and beverages
2:30 pm – Interactive presentation
3:30 pm – Breakout sessions creating solutions
3:45 pm – Q&A
4:00 pm – Workshop closing

The Benefits

  • Discover why forward-thinking companies like Microsoft, Salesforce, IBM, SAP, Dell, and many others believe that having neurodivergent employees is a competitive advantage, and supporting them is both crucial and fundamental for your success
  • Learn best practices and have your questions answered.
  • Discover how to easily develop systems to improve your team’s communication and collaboration between neurotypical and neurodivergent team members
  • Strengthen your management skills to support team members with ADHD and neurodivergent brains
  • Understand and retain more of your most innovative and valuable team members
  • Lower your hiring and training costs by hiring smarter and managing better
  • Develop communication skills proven to bridge the gap between neurotypical and neurodiverse communication styles
  • Increase your company productivity, job satisfaction, team communication, and profits
Who Should Attend
Startup Founders and Leaders
Team Managers
Hiring Managers
HR Professionals
Neurodivergent Team Members
Professionals wondering if they have ADHD


Brett Greene

Brett Greene is the award-winning Founder of the New Tech Northwest community of 60,000+ technologists. He is also an ADHD Coach who has a master’s degree in counseling psychology, and almost 20 years of experience coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals to create fulfilling high-impact lives, careers, companies, and exits including one to a Fortune 50 company. Brett offers private coaching programs, neuro-inclusive corporate trainings, and peer mentoring groups for professionals with ADHD that transform their confidence, careers, and relationships. If you want more from yourself, your career and your life schedule a discovery session to learn how you can have this too at