Giving Back to Our Community

Get Your Giving Back Groove on

Seattle ranks no. 1 for charitable giving and no. 12 for volunteering among 51 major metro areas in the country, according to Seattle City Club’s Civic Health Index. If you’re looking to get your giving groove on look no further.

You’ll find a comprehensive list of Seattle non-profit organizations to contribute your time and/or dollars to here. If homelessness or STEM education aren’t the causes that speak to you, there are plenty of others that will on that list.

New Tech’s giving focus has been on homelessness and STEM education for kids. We’ve worked with a coalition of Seattle tech leaders and community supporters with members from organizations like Amazon, Microsoft, Moz, IBM, General UI, WTIA, Zealyst, Freak’nGenius, Facebook, Culture Foundry, Social Justice Hackathon, Seattle University, City of Seattle, Twilio, ImpactHUB, Survive the Streets, Startup Grind, Chef, Inrix, MIT Enterprise Forum, IoT Hub, Google and many more.


Our initial effort was sending out a Search and Rescue van of 8 techies on one night every month. This King5 News video gives a deeper view of this experience. We also recommend going out with Heroes for the Homeless to provide outreach on the second Saturday of every month and the second and fourth Saturday during the winter months.

Seattle’s homeless population continues to grow as more people become displaced or fall between the cracks. We want to help and we want YOU to join us. Lets look at how we can add our heads, hearts and hands to solutions for people who need support to get off the streets and back to their lives.

In addition to volunteering time and talent, remember that a donation of $14.92 to Seattle UGM provides one survival kit and care for displaced men and women.

Helping Women & Minorities Receive STEM Education


New Tech Northwest is proud to partner with GeekWire’s Geeks Give Back initiative for the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship (WSOS).  Together we raised hundreds of thousands of dollars helping to build the next generation of scientists, engineers, health care professionals and other professionals in high-demand fields last year. In 2016 WSOS welcomed 1,450 new students to the program, formed new powerful partnerships with employers across the state and  launched new programs to help students sharpen their skills and prepare for their careers.

We’re back at it raising funds for more student this year. Every dollar donated through Geeks Give Back is matched by one dollar from a generous local venture capitalist and then those two dollars are matched by the State of Washington – turning your $1 donation into $4 in STEM scholarship funds for women and underserved minorities. Donate now to make a difference in the education of a child and the future of Washington state where most of these students will work after graduation.

 Pairing Your Tech Talent With Non-Profits Needing Tech Help

501 Commons Logo

New Tech Northwest partners with 501 Commons to engage your professional skills with several opportunities to volunteer with non-profits across Washington state. For more than 25 years, members of our Executive Service Corps have volunteered to make a wide range of services and support to Washington State nonprofits at affordable rates.

The mission of 501 Commons is to provide tech talent to non-profits to help them succeed. Please visit their website to learn more today!” 

Connect With The Perfect Non-Profit for You

Seattle Works

New Tech Northwest partners with Seattle Works to connect individuals and companies in our community with opportunities to serve the Seattle community. If you’re interested in giving back, we can help you find the organization that fits you best!

Three Ways You Can Give Back to Your Seattle Community

Bridge: Board Training – The Bridge

The Bridge: Board Training is a 1-day training designed to demystify board service by providing you with the tools and knowledge to be an effective board leader.

Our sessions include an overview of the nonprofit sector, introduction to financial and legal responsibilities, fundraising strategies, and more. After the training, graduates can attend Board Speed Dating events to meet with nonprofits looking for board members. We’ll help you find the perfect match!


Volunteer Calendar

Ready to volunteer? Check out Seattle Works’ online volunteer calendar to find a project that fits your busy schedule. You’ll work side-by-side with other Seattle Works volunteers and get to know nonprofits around our city.

Sign-up, show-up, and make a difference! Browse projects:

Team Works

Join a team and volunteer for one Saturday a month for four months. Team volunteering is a great way to meet people, explore new neighborhoods, and learn about nonprofits all across Seattle.

Team Captains will choose fun nonprofit projects and organize social activities after volunteering. Team Works is about giving back and kicking back!

Join a team: