Each week in the New Tech Newsletter we feature a Spotlight Q&A with founders, angels, New Tech alumni presenters, and other people or companies in our community we believe you’d like to learn about. Reach out if you’d like to recommend a startup, founder, angel, accelerator, or New Tech alumni presenter for us to spotlight for the PNW tech community!
This week we caught up with Ricky Graboski, Executive Director of The Vera Project.
What problem is your organization helping to solve?
The Vera Project provides a safe space for all ages to experience and participate in the presentation of live music and arts, helping to keep music alive in Seattle.
How does your organization solve that problem better than other options?
Our organization is for both entertainment and learning. Vera volunteers go on to enter the music business, helping run sound and production across the city and beyond. As a non-profit, we aren’t beholden to alcohol sales to keep the lights on, so our space is focused solely on delivering these great music, arts, and learning experiences.
What’s the most innovative or interesting thing about your organization?
We are member and volunteer driven. Members help drive the production of events, the direction of the organization, and are the engine that drives the Vera Project forward.
What do you love the most about being a part of the Northwest community?
The music community has a rich legacy, and organizations like Sub Pop Records have been long time supporters. But this community is at risk with rising housing costs, which is why we appreciate your support to help keep music and arts alive in Seattle.
What is one of the highlights, or memorable moments, for you in doing this work?
When Macklemore hit the stage early in his career in 2008, and the awesome poster made by local artist Ten Hundred. Vera is a springboard for young artists, helping keep Seattle on the map as a city of music!