Are there times when you would love a work oasis away from your office? Whether you’re an entrepreneur, executive or employee it can be refreshing to work from a spot other than your daily desk. This is true for those of us who work from home as well as our colleagues who commute every day to an office.
According to FlexJobs 76% of workers are more productive outside of the office. Are you in this majority? By incorporating a change of venue into your routine it may also increase your productivity when you’re in your office.
We know the benefits of taking walking meetings and taking breaks. Being around different scenery, different (or no) people, and different experiences stimulate our brains. A change in environment can be a wonderful thing, even if you love your office environment.
Taking part of the day, or all day, to work from a unique location can reduce your stress, open your mind to new ideas, stimulate your creativity, and make you feel refreshed when you go back to your office. Think of it as a work-focused mini-vacation.
So when you can get away, here are some ideas with venue changing magic that you may not have thought of. When I’m feeling sluggish or know that my brain just isn’t fresh and focused here are some of my favorite places to work around Seattle.
- Washington State Ferries. Counterintuitive? Possibly. Still like an open office? Slightly, but with seagulls, no office chatter, sea air and an expansive view of water. Refreshing? Definitely. Puts you in a whole new mindset? Oh Yeah! Hop on a ferry to Bainbridge Island, pick the coffee shop or restaurant of your choice downtown, stay as long as you like, hop back on the ferry and use wifi on your whole journey to get those deliverables done way before the deadlines hit. Besides, any time on the water is time well spent in my book.
- World Trade Center – They have a dining room, member lounge, and balcony that are all large with fantastic views of Elliot Bay. Even better, most times I work there I have the entire space to myself. If you like silence, privacy, watching the Bay, and amazing food if you’re in the mood, then this is your spot. There is a membership fee and many other amenities that are well worth it if your company sees the value in the membership.
- Columbia Tower Club – Similar to WTC, but about 40 stories higher with more people around as you work. Still a great different vibe from a coffee shop or your regular office routine. I’m not a member, but have enjoyed working there after meeting others there. You can join as an individual or get a membership for your company.
- Co-Working Spaces – Take your pick. There are many options for whatever strikes your fancy. Their vibes, rates, environments and communities are very diverse. My favorites depending on location and which community I feel like connecting with: Galvanize (with a rooftop view of the cityscape and Elliott Bay), SURF, Impact Hub, WeWork and ThinkSpace.
- WorkFrom – Your new best friend to discover coffee shops, co-working spaces, bars and cafes based on wifi reliability and level of quietness. Use this website in Seattle, or when traveling to cities beyond the PNW, to find new and interesting work-friendly spaces.
Imagine how different and productive work can be when you expand your experiences. Maybe try a different spot every Wednesday to work away from the office. You’ll see things from fresh perspectives and have something to look forward to each week.