New Tech Northwest is for Seattle Techies and More

If you’re reading this newsletter it means that you’re already a part of our growing New Tech Northwest Family. It’s an amazingly diverse group of people who we’re very grateful for.

Over 500 new people join our community each month so today we’re sharing some New Tech highlights to help you plug into the community whether you’re a new Seattleite or a vintage Pacific Northwesterner.

As Seattle and the whole Pacific Northwest region continue to grow and attract more people, New Tech Northwest can become a resource that helps you get plugged into the community.

You can use our resource guide to discover everything from co-working spaces and investors to Seattle, Eastside and Tacoma awesomeness to check out and enjoy in your personal time. One of my regional favorite products from Portland is Secret Aardvark Habanero Sauce. Try it once and Cholula will never be good enough again.

If you’ve ever moved to a new city, you know that it can be exciting, but it can also be really tough to get settled and feel welcome. We’ve attracted people like entrepreneurs, technologists, investors and innovators to our group, but our goal is much broader.

NTNW is a place where everyone in the community can come together to discover the great innovations happening right here in our backyard. If you’re in the tech industry, we can help you improve your tech career or help you find more candidates for your company. Contact us if you’ve got cool tech to share as a presenter or want to connect with our 33,000+ members through advertising or sponsorship.

But let’s not lose sight of the fact that we also care about you building great connections with other people on a professional and social level. Our motto is “What are you up to and how can we help?”

With that in mind, we have some great events (and another Job Fair) coming up over the next month or so. I think of them as neighborhood block parties where we all have the opportunity to break the ice with other members of our community who care about the PNW as much as we do. Our goal is to collectively advance the Northwest’s booming tech ecosystem and have an amazingly fun time doing it!

If you’re in the area, make sure you drop by one of these events. And feel free to bring a friend or a neighbor. New Tech Northwest is not just for techies, but for anyone who loves innovation and the PNW!

New Tech Seattle on Tuesday, March 13th at the Impact Hub

New Tech Portland on Monday, March 19th at WeWork Pioneer Place

New Tech Eastside on Tuesday, March 20th at eBay, One Bellevue Center

New Tech Tacoma on Tuesday, April 3rd at Court House Square

New Tech Job Fair on Thursday, April 19th at Galvanize, 111 S Jackson Street, Seattle

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